Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ikv{X{Inb BbpÀthZ¯nÂ
tUm.cma\mY³ tZhcmP A¿À

KqKnfn- Ibdn ikv{X{InbbpsS ]nXmhv BcmsW¶ tNmZyw D¶bn¨m  Hcp t]cp ImWmw; kp{ipX³. A`n{]mb hyXymk§tfXpanÃmsX Bcm-epw- tNm-Zyw- sN¿s¸Sm-sX A\iz-ckXyambn B \m-aw- C´y³- BbpÀ-thZ¯n-sâ ssNX\y-h¯m-b Zo-]v-X `q-XIm-es¯ F¡m-e¯pw- HmÀ-an-¸n-¡p-¶p.-
ssZhZ¯amb Adnsh¶pw, Poh³ \ne\nÀ¯m\pÅ imkv{Xsa¶pamWv BbpÀthZ¯n\À°w. BbpÀthZ¯nse thZw F¶ kwÚ CXv thZ§fnepÄs¸Sp¶p F¶Xv- km-[q-Icn-¡p¶p. temI¯nse Gähpw ]g¡apÅ IrXnIfmWv thZ§sf¶v ]mÝmXyÀ t]mepw icn-sh¡p-¶ AYÀÆthZ¯nemWv BbpÀthZw DÄs¸Sp¶Xv. Bt{Xb³, NcI³, kp{ipX³, hmKv`S³ F¶n-hcm-bncp¶p {]mNo\ BbpÀthZ BNmcy·mÀ. NnInÕbnÂ-NcI\pw, ikv{X{InbbnÂ- kp{ipX\pw AZznXocs{X.- kp{ipX³ icocLS\m imkv{X¯nepw ikv{Xn{Inbm cwK¯pw {]mhoWyw t\Snbncp¶Xmbn tcJIfp­v. X£ine, hmcWkn F¶nhnS§fnse ikv{X{Inb hnZKv²\mbncp¶p kp{ipX³. ikv{X{Inbbp-sS  P\bnXmsh¶ Jym-Xn-bpw- At±l¯n\p-­v.-

ikv{X{Inbbnse kp{ipX kw`mh\IÄ
kp{ipXhncNnXhpw ieyX{´¯nsâ B[mc{KÙhpamb kp{ipXkwlnXbn ieyw F¶ hm¡nsâ AÀ°w C{]ImcamWv: icoc¯n  s]s«¶v hym]n¡pItbm {]thin¡pItbm sN¿p¶ _mlyhkvXp F¶Xnep]cn aqVKÀ`tam, ]qbtam AtXm a\Ênsâ hymIpeXItfm F¶pw hniZoIcW§fp-­v.
bXv In©nZm_m[ Imcw icotc bXv kÀÆtah {]hZ´n ieyw
tcmK¯n\p s]s«¶p ia\w hcp¯p¶p F¶pÅXn\mepw (Bip{InbIcWmXv), b{´, ikv{X, £mc, Aán F¶nhIÄ D]IcW§fm¡p¶Xn\mepw kÀÆX{´ k½XambXn\mepw ieyX{´w BbpÀthZ¯nse Gähpw t{ijvTimJbmWv.
ikv{X{Inb¡pÅ \qdnÂ]cw D]IcW§fpsS \nÀ½mWs¯¸änbpw AhbpsS {]tbmKs¯¸änbpw kp{ipX³ hnhcn¨n«p­v. ]gp¸v sI«v XSbp¶Xn\v- NqtS¸n¡pI F¶ NnInÕmhn[n {]m-hÀ-¯n-Iam-¡n-bXv- kp{ipXmNmcy\mWv. ikv{X{Inb apdn¡pÅn Ip´ncn¡w ]pIbv-¡p¶Xv- AWp\miIamsW¶pw B-Nm-cy³- a\Ênem¡nbncp¶p. HSnª FÃv- t\scbm¡n sh¨psI«p¶Xn\pw apdnhv- DW¡p¶Xn\pw, sXm­bnse tSm¬knÂkv {KÙn¡p ho¡w

h¶m  \o¡w sN¿p¶ Xn-\pw aqeZzmc{hW§Ä,- aqe¡pcp, aeZzmcw XÅÂ, aq{Xmib¡Ãv, Xnancw apXembh¡pÅ ikv{X{Inb¡p-w At±lt¯mfw {]mhoWyw A¡me¯v- BÀ¡pw D­mbncp¶nÃ.-. ikv{X{Inbm cwK¯p A¶phscbp­mbncp¶ t\«§Ä tImÀ¯n W¡nbmWv kp{ipXkwlnX cNn¡s¸«Xv. F.Un. 400þmw B­nemWv {KÙcN\. kqXnimkv{Xw, t\{XNnInÕ ipNnXzw, Huj[hnhc§Ä F¶nhbpw CXnep-­v.- {]khNnInÕbpw kp{ipXIme¯p {]Nmc¯nep­mbncp¶Xmbn IW¡m-¡s¸Sp-¶p.-
{Kokn \n¶m-Wv- B[p\nI ikv{X{Inb DÛhn¨sX¶v- ]dbps¶¦nepw AhcpsS ]e AdnhpIfpw `mcX`njKzcn \n¶pw ISsaSp¯hbmsW¶v- kaÀ°n¡m-hp-¶ sXfnhpIfp-­v. Bdmw \qäm­v F.Un.bn {Kokn Hcp tcmKnbpsS tOZn¡s¸« \mkn-I, I¿nse amwkt]inIsfSp-¯v- ikv{X{Inb sNbvXXmbn ]dbp¶p. F¶m hfsc apt¼Xs¶ CXv  hnPbIcambn kp{ipX³ sNbvXncp¶p-.  Ihnfnse amwkt]inIsfSp-¯m-Ws{X AXv- \nÀ-hln-¨Xv.- Cu- Hä{InbXs¶ At±l¯nsâ ieyX{´¯nepÅ AhKm-l¯n-\p- ap¶n Btcbpw- \{aioÀjcm¡pw-.

B[p\nI ikv{X{Inb imJbpsS Ncn{Xw
B[p\nI ikv{Xn{InbbpsS C¶s¯ hym]vXn bYmÀ°¯n enÌÀ tPmk^nsâ AWp\miI coXnIfpsS I­p]nSp¯t¯msSbmWv DÛhn¡p¶Xv. XpSÀ¶v tem_À«v enÌdpsS A\kvtXjybpsS I­p]nSp¯hpw- ikv{Xn{InbIsf thZ\mclnXhpw Ffp¸apÅXp-am¡n. XpSÀ¶v Xrays, Pararadiological imaging techniques penicilin F¶n-hbpw B[p\nI ikv{X{Inbsb hn]peam¡n.
1. Origin of greek medicine 5th century
2. Hippocrates fathee of medicine (460 - 370 BC)
3. First use of Surgical instruments in greeks by Diose Caridin 429 AD
4. Roman Surgery 2nd century AD
5. Ist bokk of surgery Roses and Ronald 1200 AD
6. Asepsis by Italian surgeon Bruno
7. Use of ligature in haemorrhage Ambroise 1537
8. Midwifery forcepts by peter chamberlin 1560
9. Amputation by Richard wiseman 1622 AD
10. Vascular surgery John Bell 1763
11. Plastic surgery Vangraph and Anaesthesia by squire 1846 (Ethee)
12. Chloroform by Sir James Young 1811
13. GI surgery by Bilroth 1841 AD

BbpÀthZ ieyX{´¯nsâ NypXn
_u[ImeL«w hsc `mcX¯n BbpÀthZco-Xn-bnÂ-- ikv{X{InbIÄ \S¶ncp¶Xm-bn- Im-Wm-w. F¶m ieyX{´¯nsâ \miw AXnsâ DÛh¯nÂ- Xs¶ kw`hn¨ncn ¡p¶Xm-bpw- a\kn-em-¡m³- km[n¡pw.
1. hntZinb B{IaWw
 12 \qäm­pIfmbn `mcX¯n At\Iw hntZiob B{IaW§Ä \S¶p. ]¯m-³ImÀ, apKfÀ, {_n«ojv apXembhcpsS B{IaW§Ä \½psS kzmX{´ys¯ A\ym-[o-\am-¡n-bXn-s\m-¸w- \½psS X\Xv- kwkvImcs¯bpw Po-hn-XNcy-Isfbpw-sshZyimkv{Xt¯bpw \in¸n¨p. CtXmsSm¸w  A\h[n
h¶m  \o¡w sN¿p¶ Xn-\pw aqeZzmc{hW§Ä,- aqe¡pcp, aeZzmcw XÅÂ, aq{Xmib¡Ãv, Xnancw apXembh¡pÅ ikv{X{Inb¡p-w At±lt¯mfw {]mhoWyw A¡me¯v- BÀ¡pw D­mbncp¶nÃ.-. ikv{X{Inbm cwK¯p A¶phscbp­mbncp¶ t\«§Ä tImÀ¯n W¡nbmWv kp{ipXkwlnX cNn¡s¸«Xv. F.Un. 400þmw B­nemWv {KÙcN\. kqXnimkv{Xw, t\{XNnInÕ ipNnXzw, Huj[hnhc§Ä F¶nhbpw CXnep-­v.- {]khNnInÕbpw kp{ipXIme¯p {]Nmc¯nep­mbncp¶Xmbn IW¡m-¡s¸Sp-¶p.-
{Kokn \n¶m-Wv- B[p\nI ikv{X{Inb DÛhn¨sX¶v- ]dbps¶¦nepw AhcpsS ]e AdnhpIfpw `mcX`njKzcn \n¶pw ISsaSp¯hbmsW¶v- kaÀ°n¡m-hp-¶ sXfnhpIfp-­v. Bdmw \qäm­v F.Un.bn {Kokn Hcp tcmKnbpsS tOZn¡s¸« \mkn-I, I¿nse amwkt]inIsfSp-¯v- ikv{X{Inb sNbvXXmbn ]dbp¶p. F¶m hfsc apt¼Xs¶ CXv  hnPbIcambn kp{ipX³ sNbvXncp¶p-.  Ihnfnse amwkt]inIsfSp-¯m-Ws{X AXv- \nÀ-hln-¨Xv.- Cu- Hä{InbXs¶ At±l¯nsâ ieyX{´¯nepÅ AhKm-l¯n-\p- ap¶n Btcbpw- \{aioÀjcm¡pw-.

B[p\nI ikv{X{Inb imJbpsS Ncn{Xw
B[p\nI ikv{Xn{InbbpsS C¶s¯ hym]vXn bYmÀ°¯n enÌÀ tPmk^nsâ AWp\miI coXnIfpsS I­p]nSp¯t¯msSbmWv DÛhn¡p¶Xv. XpSÀ¶v tem_À«v enÌdpsS A\kvtXjybpsS I­p]nSp¯hpw- ikv{Xn{InbIsf thZ\mclnXhpw Ffp¸apÅXp-am¡n. XpSÀ¶v Xrays, Pararadiological imaging techniques penicilin F¶n-hbpw B[p\nI ikv{X{Inbsb hn]peam¡n.
1. Origin of greek medicine 5th century
2. Hippocrates fathee of medicine (460 - 370 BC)
3. First use of Surgical instruments in greeks by Diose Caridin 429 AD
4. Roman Surgery 2nd century AD
5. Ist bokk of surgery Roses and Ronald 1200 AD
6. Asepsis by Italian surgeon Bruno
7. Use of ligature in haemorrhage Ambroise 1537
8. Midwifery forcepts by peter chamberlin 1560
9. Amputation by Richard wiseman 1622 AD
10. Vascular surgery John Bell 1763
11. Plastic surgery Vangraph and Anaesthesia by squire 1846 (Ethee)
12. Chloroform by Sir James Young 1811
13. GI surgery by Bilroth 1841 AD

BbpÀthZ ieyX{´¯nsâ NypXn
_u[ImeL«w hsc `mcX¯n BbpÀthZco-Xn-bnÂ-- ikv{X{InbIÄ \S¶ncp¶Xm-bn- Im-Wm-w. F¶m ieyX{´¯nsâ \miw AXnsâ DÛh¯nÂ- Xs¶ kw`hn¨ncn ¡p¶Xm-bpw- a\kn-em-¡m³- km[n¡pw.
1. hntZinb B{IaWw
 12 \qäm­pIfmbn `mcX¯n At\Iw hntZiob B{IaW§Ä \S¶p. ]¯m-³ImÀ, apKfÀ, {_n«ojv apXembhcpsS B{IaW§Ä \½psS kzmX{´ys¯ A\ym-[o-\am-¡n-bXn-s\m-¸w- \½psS X\Xv- kwkvImcs¯bpw Po-hn-XNcy-Isfbpw-sshZyimkv{Xt¯bpw \in¸n¨p. CtXmsSm¸w  A\h[n

Xmfntbme{K٧Ġ \jvSs¸«p-. hntZiobÀ AhcpsS  imkv{Xw- ChnsS ASnt¨Â¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXp.
2. ]mÝmXyh¡cWw
AÔamb B[p\nIX \½psS imkv{X \mi¯nsâ aq-eIm-W§fn-sem-¶m-Wv.- C¶pw B[p\nIXbpsS adhn- ]ecpw \½psS imkv{Xs¯ ASnØm\clnXhpw ImelcW s¸«Xpambn IW¡m¡n-hcp-¶p.-
3. clkykz`mhw
]e acp¶pIfpsSbpw NnInÕbpsSbpw B´cmÀ-Y
§tfm- clkytNcp-hItfm- ]p-Xn-b XeapdIÄ¡p ]IÀ¶p \ÂInbnà F¶Xpw- \½psS imkv{X¯nse ]e Aaqeyamb hnhc§Ä- ImelcWs¸Sm³- CSbm-¡n.-
4. Bibhn\nab¯nse ]mfn¨IÄ
kwlnXIfn hniZoIcn¨ncp¶ ]e ikv{X{InbIfpw C¶v  sN¿p¶nÃ. Imem-\p-km-cn-bm-b amä§Ä¡v- hnt[bam¡n  hn]peoIcn¡m-ambncp¶ imkv{X`mK§Ä Bcpw Ku-\n-¡m-sX \mtim·pJamhpIbpw adn-¨v- B[p\nI sshZyimkv{X ikv{X{Inbm- taJesb hfÀ¯m-\pw- D]Icn-¨p.-
5. B[p\nI sshZyimkv{Xw hnIkn¨Xpw- A¶s¯ `cWIqS¯nsâ klmb¯memWv. F¶m sshtZin-I IS¶pIbäw \½psS imkv{Xs¯ kz-´w- \m-«p-ImÀ-Xs¶ XnckvIcn¡m³ CSbm¡n.
6. A\kvtXjy apXembhbpsS Ae`yX
ikv{X{Inb GXphn[¯n t\m¡nbmepw thZ\mP\IamWv. \nÀ`mKyIcsa¶p- ]dbs« Hcp D¯a kwÚm\miI{Zhyw \½psS imkv{X¯n ]dªpImWp¶nÃ.
]­papXÂt¡  ab¡¯n\mbn D]tbmKn¨ncp¶ Id¸n \n¶mWv tamÀ^n³ F¶ cmkhkvXp thÀXncns¨Sp¯Xv. AXv Ac{Kbn³- Ip¯nh¨m GXm\pw an\n«pIÄ¡pÅn thZ\ ian¸n¡m³ km[n¡pw F¶p I­p]nSn¨p.
\½psS imkv{X¯n atZy\ tamlbmXzm F¶p ]dbp¶nS¯v- aZyw tcmKnsb IpSn¸n¨pw ikv{X{Inb \S¯p¶Xns\¡p-dn-¨v-  ]dbp¶p­v-. F¶m C¯cw coXnIÄ  A{]mtbmKnIhpw- Aim-kv-{Xo-bhp-am-sW¶v- ]dtb­Xn-ÃtÃm?-.
{]mIvikv{XIÀ½tWtÝjvSw t`mPtb¶amXpcw
aZyNw ]mbtb·Zyw Xo£Ww tbm thZ\mklw
\ aqÀÑX¶ykwtbmK·¯ ikv{Xw \ _p²ysX
A\y{X aqVKÀ`miva apJtcmKKXmXpcm³
7. _u[aX{]Nmcw
_u[aXkn²m´amb AlnwkbpsS {]Nmchp-w ikv{X{InbbpsS \mi¯nsâ asämcp {][m\ ImcWambn IcpXp-¶p.

ieyX{´s¯ D²cn¡mtam?
BbpÀthZw F¶ imkv{Xw ]Tn¨ GsXmcp sshZy\pw kzbw tNmZnt¡­ tNmZyamWnXv. C¡m-e¯v- BbpÀthZ {]Nmcw tem-I¯m-Iam-\w-hÀ²n¨psIm­ncn¡p¶psh¶Xv- hkv-Xp-Xbm-Wv.- F¶m Cu imkv{Xw A`ykn¡m³ Ignªp F¶Xn \½Ä A`nam\n¡p¶pt­m? Csæn F´psIm­v? Im-em-\p-km-cn-bm-b am-ä§tfm-sS kzmw-io-IcW¯n-\pw- ka\z-b¯n-\pw- hn-t[bam-¡n- ASn-Øm-\{]am-W§fnÂ- shÅw-tNÀ-¡m-sX BbpÀ-thZs¯ B[p-\o-Icn-¡m³-  Ignªm Cu imkv{Xw hfcpw F¶Xn kwibanÃ. CXn hfsctbsd {]m[m\yw AÀln¡p¶ hnjbamWv ieyX{´ {]tbm-Kw-. B[p\nI imkv{Xhn`mKw C¶v  ap¶nemsW¶v- bm-YmÀ-Yy-am-Wv.-
BbpÀthZ tImgvknsâ aq¶mw s{]m^jW  kne_knep-ff ieyX{´`mK§Ä t\m¡nbm  Hcp-hn-[w-  kÀPn¡Â procedures Dw hnZymÀ°n ]Tn¡m³ _m[yØ\msW¶v- Im-Wmw.- F¶m `m-hn-PohnX¯n D]tbm-Kn-¡s¸Sm-sX  Cu `mKw Hgnhm¡n-hcp-¶ {]hWX F´p-t]cn-em-sW¦n-epw B-im-ky-aÃ-.  CXv \½psS AhImiambnXs¶ IcpXn {]mtbmKnIXe¯n ]Tn¡pIbpw  {]mIvSokv sN¿pIbpw thWw. knknsFFw AwK§Ä tIcf¯nse BbpÀthZ tImtfPpIfn ]cntim[\bv¡v t]mbt¸mÄ C³kvs]£³ dnt¸mÀ«n FgpXn h¨ncn¡p¶Xv- ikv{X{Inb ChnsS \nba]cambn XSªp F¶Xn\m sN¿p¶nà F¶mWv. CXnÂ-]cw- \m-Wt¡Sp-t­m-?- Nne Øe§fn £mckq{Xw XpS§nb ikv{XIÀ½§Ä sN¿p¶ AhØbnte¡v ieyX{´w A[x]Xn¨n«pap-­v-.  ieyX{´w icnbmb coXnbn {]mIvSokv sN¿m\pw B[p\nI coXn Ahew_n¨v ]Tn¡m\pw kaÀ°cà BbpÀ-thZhn-ZymÀ-Yn-IÄ- F¶mtWm CXn-\v- AÀ-Yw?- AtXm Cu imkv{Xs¯  hn]peoIcn¡m³ km[n¡nà Ft¶m?

NEW DELHI 110058
F.NO.28-5/2004-AY.(MM)        dated: 19-5-2004
In exercise of the power conferred by 2(1) (e) of the Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 hereby Central Council of Indian Medicine notify that:-
The Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 is very clear with regad to definition of Indian systems of medicine of which reads as follows:-
Indian medicine means the systems of Indian Medicine commonly known as Ashtang Ayurveda, Sidda Or Unani Tibb wheather supplemented or not by such modern advances as the Central Council may delcere by notification from time to time.
To clarify he word Modern Advances the Council at its meeting held on 23-march 2003 has passed the resolution and defined Indian Medicine as under:-
This meeting of Central Council here by unanimously resolved that in clause (e) of Sub- section 2(1) of the IMCC Act, 1970, the word Modern Advances be read as advances made in various branches of internal medicine, surgery, gynacology and obstertrics, anesthesiology, diagnostic procedures and others technological innovation made from time to time and declare that courses and curriculam conducted  and recoganised by Central Council of Indian Medicine are supplemented with such modern advances.”
It is further clarified that the rights of practitioners of Indian Systems of Medicine are protected under Indian Medicine Central  Council Act, 1970 under section 17(3) (B) which states as under:-
Nothing contained in Sub-section (2) shall affect privileges (inculading the right to practise any systems of medicine) conferred by or under any law realating to registration of  practitioers of Indian Medicine for the time being in force in any State on a practitioners Indian Medicine enrolled on a Stata Register of Indian Medicine.
The Government of India from time and again have asked the Council to improve the syallabus by inculding subjects with regard to National Programmes like National Malaria eradication programme, TB, Leprossy, Family Welfare programme, RCH programme, Immunnisation programme, Aids, Cancer etc. and accordingly the Council has strengthened the Syllabus of all the system of Medicine.
The institutionally qualified practitioners of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Tibb are eligible to practise respective systems with modern scientific medicine including Surgery and Gynecology obstetricd, Anesthesiology, ENT, optholomology etc. based on training and teaching.
1. All the members of CCIM
2. Health Secretary of all States Government
3. Directors of ISIM of all States
4. Registrars of all States, Board/ Councils.
CXp I­nsöp \Sn¡cpXv. \½psS imkv{XimJIsf D²cn¡pI F¶Xv-  BbpÀ thZcwK¯p {]hÀ¯n¡p¶hcpsS NpaXebmWv. BbpÀthZ tImtfPpIfn kÀPdn, ssK\t¡mfPn, Atem¸Xn hn`mK§fn {]mIvSn¡Â skj³kn\v t]mIp¶ B-bpÀ-thZ hnZymÀ°nIfmSv Im«p¶ AhKW\ thZ\mP\IamWv.  ikv{X{InbIfn D]tbmKn¡p¶ ss\tem¬, ImävKp«v F¶nh¡v- B[p\nIXbpw ]ucmWnIXbpw Bsc¦n-epw- I¸n¨n«p-t­m-?-. A§s\bm-sW¦nÂ- B[p\nI C³shÌntKj³kv, tdUntbmfPn sat¯Uvkv F¶nh BbpÀthZ sshZy³ F´n\p ]cntim[n¡Ww?
Cu hnjbs¯ Bkv]Zam¡n BtcmKy]camb A`n{]mb§Ä sshZykaql¯nse Hmtcmcp¯cnepw \n¶pw- D­m-hWw-. ikv{X{Inb B-bpÀ-thZNn-In-ÕIcp-sSIq-Sn- P·mhImiamWv. NnInÕbn Huj[hpw ikv{X{Inbbpw c­p hi§fmWv. CXn tIhew H¶p am{Xta sN¿mhq F¶v iTn-¡p-¶Xnse A\m-tcm-Ky- {]hWX Xn-cn-¨dn-bs¸tS­Xp-­v.-  Cu- AhIm-iw- \nba]cambn XSbp¶Xnse  HuNnXyhpw- F´msW¶v C¶sænÂ- kao-]`m-hn-bnÂ- Xp-d¶p-]dtb­n-hcpw.- AXv- ]dbn-¡m-s\¦n-epw- BbpÀ-thZw- C¶v- kp-iàhpw- kp-kÖhp-am-Wv.-

Cu- hn-jb¯nÂ- {In-bm-ßIam-b kw-hm-Zw- {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶p-­v.-
A s\m `{Zmx {IXthm b´p hnivhXx
May noble thoughts come to us from all sides

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