Tuesday, May 3, 2011


  • From 1974 onwards several popular articles and scientific papers on raw materials and ayurvedic medicines have been published in special editions of regular papers and in Ayurvedic journals.
  • Similarly in most of the symposia and seminars on state level and regional level related to ayurveda,papers have been submitted on medicinal plants and preparation of ayurvedic medicines as well as clinical aspects of ayurvedic medicines.
  • Given training on “Abhyanga-Ayurvedic Massage Techniques” at Heidelberg,Germany on 14.10.2000 to 15.10.2000.

Details on a few selected papers published

  • Problems and solutions in ayurveda industry.(Agriculture University,Odakaly).
  • Forest based medicinal raw drugs(Kerala forest department)
  • Mrithyujam and Sasyajam(Akashavani,Trichur)
  • Future of Ayurveda Industry.(Ayurvedic congress,Chennai)
  • Exact problem of ayurveda with reference to WTO(Memorandum presented to ISM Secretary)
  • Herbal Board,a necessity.(Paper presented to NABARD)
  • Foundation Day Lecture-Arya Vaidya Sala,Kottakal
  • Marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants-Problems and prospectus
  • Spot light on ayurvedic medicine manufacturing in kerala-breathing but ailing.(passline,february 1997)
  • Medicinal plants of ayurvedic importance-Paper presented during the seminar on Medicinal and aromatic plants,Horticultural society,Calicut on 07.02.2001
  • Presented paper regarding “Good Manufacturing Practices”during National Seminar on Medicinal plants(NSMP 2001)Tiruchirappalli,October 20-21,2001.
  • Theme Speaker on”Export potential of Ayurveda and Siddha products and services”held in Coimbatore on March 23-24,2002 conducted byExport-Import Bank Of India,Mumbai
  • Presented a paper on plantation of medicinal plants during the seminar held on 20.07.2003 at Calicut conducted by the State Medicinal Plant Board
  • Presented a detailed memorandum to the parliamentary committee attached to the Ministry of Human Resources and Development of Ayurvedic system at Trivandrum.
  • Presented Paper on “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”conducted by Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station ,Odakkali on 17.03.2005
  • Presentation on “Problems &Prospects of Ayurveda Drug Industry in Kerala”,at the training of IFS officers at KFRI ,21ST November 2006.
  • Impact of developments in Ayurveda on Rural Life,October 10th 2007.
  • Presentation on “Importance of agriculture in Ayurveda”27/08/2008.
  • Integrated approach to development of Herbal Drug Indusrty ,18th July 2009 at the national seminar by state Horticulture Mission,Kerala.
  • Presentation on”Ayurveda Drug Industry in Kerala:-Problems&Prospects”,at KFRI in the training programme for IFS officers on 3rd August 2009.

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